Friday, February 24, 2012

Do You Want to Be Extraordinary at Work?

Do you want to be extraordinary at work?

Are you someone who goes to work every day with the intention of doing your job and completing your “to do” list? 
Do you feel good about yourself, the quality of your work and your role within your organization?
Do you consider yourself to be a superstar? 
Can you be doing more?
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines extraordinary as “going beyond what is usual, regular or customary.  Exceptional to a very marked extent.”

Take a moment to visualize what your day would look like if you were extraordinary at what you do for a living. 
How are you feeling?  What do you look like?  Where are you?  Who is around you?  What are you accomplishing?
I challenge you to be EXTRAORDINARY.
I challenge you to go beyond what is expected.
I challenge you to take your career to a higher level.
 I challenge you to be the person people refer to as exceptional.
The first step to being extraordinary it so create your unique, personalized definition of what it means for you to go beyond what is expected.  What will it take for you to be “exceptional to a very marked extent” within your chosen career?
There are many talented people who never experience career success because they don’t know the secrets to being extraordinary.  Follow my blog and I will introduce you to concepts that will enable you to take charge of your success.  There are things that you can do to distinguish yourself from others.  There are ways that you can perform your job that will create unequivocal value for others.
It takes time, focus and conscientious energy to be extraordinary, but the rewards are worth it.  I will introduce things that you can do to elevate your success.  Your positive actions will result in positive outcomes if you are patient and consistent. 
Becoming extraordinary is a journey.  It is like growing a tree.  It takes a lot of water, sunlight, nutrients and pruning to become a tall, stately tree.  The progress is hardly noticeable until one day you look at the tree and declare it to be magnificent.   You can’t remember how it transformed from a sapling to a gorgeous tree, but somehow it happened before your eyes.  Don’t you want to be the beautiful tree that makes a statement to the world?